The first part of our coursework we needed to do was the prelim task. This was to test the ability of the three basic rules of film making. Match on action, shot-reverse-shot and the 180 degree rule. We had to film and edit a character sitting down in a chair opposite another character and for them to exchange a couple of lines of dialogue. The purpose was to demonstrate an understanding of continuity editing and edit into purpose.
3 things I feel I could improve on when filming the main task are quite simple. I feel that more efficient filming is needed as the main task will not be completed to the deadline otherwise. Another is to make sure the editing is done properly as your piece can look disjointed and gritty if not done properly. Finally, the last thing i feel we need to improve on is the planning of the exercise. With more detailed planning, we can achieve our Main Task to the best of our abilities and ensure it is meeting the deadline.
Prelim Task